So, I am still around and I've been doing things. Crafty things, in fact! I have (several) cross stitch WIP and some completed sewing projects! I am very proud of what I have accomplished this past month.
First a little personal update on me: I have taken a leave of absence from derby. To be more specific a maternity leave. Very unexpected and shocking but I am one that believes things happen for a reason. What the exact reason is, I'm still at a loss for, but it's going to happen.
Anywho...I made an apron, finally. I've had the fabric for almost 2 years, which is somewhat typical of me. Yes, I love to cook and bake and never had an apron...until now. I did get a little tired of my family taking pictures of flour hand prints on my butt.
My favorite part of the apron is the seams, they are flawless. I have a tendency to fudge myself through the last bits of a project just to get done but I made myself slow down and take my time.
The boy wants me to make him one, and I will, in time. He currently has two aprons that fit him so I will be waiting until he grows out of them. The fabric will always be there, and there is PLENTY of it.