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Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekly Goals 2/11

I didn't do as well as I wanted with eating and exercise, but I still lost 2 pounds.  My trouble spot is when I work at Cinepolis.  I only have a half hour lunch which makes it hard to grab something healthy to eat around there.  Plus, the hours I work are difficult times; starting at 5:30 or 6 at night when I would normally be eating dinner and then my dinner not actually being until 10 or later when places are closed.  Or working just 6 hours so I don't actually get a lunch which means I worked right through lunch or dinner.  The whole key to this is going to be careful and consistent planning.  I did try this weekend and brought my lunch during a 6 hour shift, thinking I would quickly eat it on my 10 minute break.  After my 10, I accepted an offer to work more hours that day and I ended up working 8 hours and had nothing for my actual half.  The other difficulty is having to work a closing shift, which meant not getting off until 1, and having my entire sleep schedule thrown off.

Anyway, as my third grade teacher would say: "an error is not a terror," right?  I feel much better prepared this week and while I didn't meet my goal of 80/20 for primal, I made a concerted effort and did better than if I hadn't set that goal.  I ended up at 60/40, which I will take as a win, because I was at least better than half.  Plus I did a couple long walks, so, yay!

Finally, I have pretty much given up on planning to craft any time soon.  I have too much else going on to drag it out, work on it and then clean it back up.  If I had my own craft area where I didn't have to put everything away every time I would certainly do more.

Possible bumps in the road this week:
-Valentine's day...I'm at school and it's my planned non-primal meal anyway, but the candy I'm sure to get after is going to be a challenge.  Plus, I plan on making a heart-shaped cake for my boys at home.
-Cookies and brownies that I volunteered to make for the bake sale at Glenn's school's talent show.  They aren't staying here, but batter tastes good.
-aforementioned kooky work schedule

-80/20 primal
-walk, at least twice this week.  I know this doesn't sound like a lot, but working in the kitchen is physical, especially if I have to clean the damn flat top grill.  Plus, I am trying to stick to a routine for walking and once that becomes habit, I will add more
-budget!  I just need to do it
-continue to delegate housework and the like
-get my car washed!  Which means cleaning out the inside, too

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